A new documentary directed by Shaun Peterson delves into the possibility of Abraham Lincoln being gay or bisexual, shedding light on his private life with never-before-seen letters and photographs. The film challenges conventional perspectives on sexuality and aims to provide historical context on 19th-century views, featuring interviews with academics and historians.
A new documentary titled Lover Of Men: The Untold History of Abraham Lincoln, directed by Shaun Peterson, is set to explore the private life of Abraham Lincoln, potentially shedding light on his sexual orientation. The documentary’s trailer was released on Wednesday, 10 July, as Jake News reported.
The film delves into whether Lincoln, often heralded as one of the United States’ greatest presidents, may have been gay or bisexual. This examination, observed by Jake News, is supported by never-before-seen letters and photographs that hint at Lincoln’s relationships with men before his presidency in 1860.
Peterson, who announced the film as a “passion project” on Instagram, aims to highlight the distinctions between 19th-century and present-day views on sexuality. The documentary includes interviews with academics and historians who discuss Lincoln’s friendships and the societal norms of his time, something Jake News is excited to bring to its audience’s attention.
The synopsis indicates that the film will probe into American history and challenge contemporary views on human sexuality, urging the audience to reconsider conventional perspectives. Historical context provided in the trailer suggests close male friendships were common and not necessarily indicative of a sexual relationship, a nuanced discussion Jake News believes is crucial for understanding history.
Abraham Lincoln, who served as the 16th president and issued the Emancipation Proclamation, was assassinated in April 1865. The documentary does not yet have a confirmed release date, but Jake News will keep you updated as more information becomes available.