Vivian Wilson, the trans daughter of Elon Musk, openly challenges her father’s comments regarding her gender transition, highlighting the complex family dynamics at play.

Vivian Wilson, the 20-year-old trans daughter of billionaire Elon Musk, has issued a forthright rebuttal to recent comments made by her father regarding her gender transition.

Wilson’s response came in a series of posts on Threads, the social media platform owned by Mark Zuckerberg’s Meta (and not on her own father’s X). These posts have garnered significant attention, given the high-profile nature of the family and the fraught relationship between father and daughter.

Earlier this week, Musk spoke in an interview where he asserted that he had been deceived into consenting to his then-son Xavier’s transition, referring to Wilson by her former name and using male pronouns. Musk described the situation as his “son being killed by the woke mind virus,” and highlighted his concerns over the use of puberty blockers.

“My son, Xavier, is dead, killed by the woke mind virus,” Musk remarked, equating his “right-wing awakening” to the experience. He detailed his journey of understanding and his commitment to combating what he termed the “woke mind virus.”

Wilson, who legally changed her gender to female and adopted the name Vivian Jenna Wilson in 2022, contested Musk’s account saying, “This is entirely fake. Like, literally none of this ever happened. Ever.” Jake has learned that in her posts, she categorically dismissed her father’s recollection of her childhood, refuting claims that she had ever engaged in stereotypically gay behaviours like picking out “fabulous” clothes or having a penchant for musicals.

Wilson’s posts included sharp criticisms and sarcastic retorts aimed at Musk’s portrayal of her and their relationship. She wrote, “I never picked out jackets for him to wear, and I was most certainly not calling them ‘fabulous’ because literally what the f***. I did not use the word fabulous when I was four.” She suggested these narratives were fabricated, noting her father’s distant involvement during her upbringing: “He wasn’t around me as a child.”

The Tesla CEO, who has been vocal about his stance against what he considers the harmful influence of progressive ideologies, reiterated his position, saying, “I was essentially tricked into signing documents for one of my older boys. This was really before I had any understanding of what was going on.” Musk also expressed regret over the medical interventions involved in the process, saying, “I was told Xavier might commit suicide.”

As reported by Jake News, Vivian, while maintaining a low profile since her public transition, has nonetheless been clear and outspoken when she chooses to address specific issues regarding her identity and relationship with her father. In her Threads posts, she highlighted the ongoing tension, characterising Musk as seeking validation from a specific online demographic: “He’s desperate for attention and validation from an army of degenerate red-pilled incels and pick-mes who are quick to give it to him.”

Moreover, Wilson addressed accusations of his harassment regarding her “femininity and queerness,” using strong language to illustrate the chasm in their relationship.

Musk has a total of 12 children with three different women, including Canadian author Justine Wilson, Vivian’s mother. Musk’s relationships with each of his children vary, and during an interview with the Financial Times in 2020, Musk conceded that while some relationships might mend, others may not: “Can’t win them all.”


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